Don't forget to wear sunscreen this month. You might want to put a layer on your heart as well. Stay in and watch PBS instead of staying out late this month. You don't always need to be available for hanging out with everyone who asks.
Make a budget this month and stick to it. Consider doing a yogurt mask once a week. It is very cooling. Fruit isn't the only thing that makes a great smoothie. Try throwing this in the blender: an ice cube, half a cucumber and some soy milk. Don't kid yourself about the nature of your relationship.
Set up that "trip jar." I'm not talking about LSD, I'm talking about saving money for that trip you want to take this fall. A penny saved.....
Also this month you will see many of your dreams come true!
If your relationship causes more stress than smiles, break free. Remember rice cakes? Rice cakes and peanut butter makes a great summer breakfast. Make a mini collage of words and shapes that inspire you right now. Once you create your collage, take it to the cafe or on the bus or somewhere and just leave it there and hope it will inspire some one else!
Love is all.
Remember Sabrina the Teenage Witch? Make some magic happen this month. You have more power than you think. Just remember to use your powers for good, otherwise things will blow up in your face!
Check out your local farmer's market and get cookin! Cold salads are soooo good in summer. Be extra diligent about looking polished this month. Shine on...
Make things happen this month. You have already come farther than you ever thought you would this year. Be proud of that and keep it up! Avoid time wasters this month.
Clean out your junk drawer and your email and any other stash you have for clutter. Teach yourself how to give yourself a manicure, cut your own hair... etc, you can save a ton by doing stuff like that for yourself.
Stop and count your blessings this month. How often do you do that really? How often do you fall on your knees and thank the universe that you are alive? Try not to be a wet noodle. Be happy or at least aware of how lucky you are to be part of the world, even with its faults.
When will you ever learn? June 2010 actually will be the month you achieve much wisdom that has evaded you for some years now.
Eat, drink and live it up! Just make sure you eat, drink and live things that are good for you. Volunteer or donate this month. Create your own music. Do it your way.